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Datacom offers 2,000 contact centre roles to COVID-19 hit Aussies

Datacom offers 2,000 contact centre roles to COVID-19 hit Aussies

Will provide support for federal agencies and Qantas

Credit: Supplied

Datacom has pledged to hire more than 2,000 Australian residents who have lost their jobs due to the coronavirus pandemic.

The roles will be based at a number purpose-built contact centres designed to manage federal government agencies’ response to the COVID-19 spread.

The roles will be based in Sydney, Adelaide, Canberra and Brisbane, and will see Datacom partner with call centre provider Concentrix and Hatch Exchange, an organisation formed to help workers who have been stood down.

Roles will span customer service, team leaders, quality control, training, operations management, workforce planning and analysts, alongside human resources and payroll. 

According to the announcement, Qantas flight crew and operations staff are among those working at Datacom's contact centres.

Datacom managing director Stacey Tomasoni said the New Zealand-founded company was still actively seeking people to fill its centres. 

“With enormous pressure on these services, Datacom is in the unusual position of recruiting up to 2000 people to support telehealth services and other essential government services. 

“We’re working with partners including Qantas, Concentrix and Hatch Exchange to provide employees with work during the period they have been stood down, and in some cases beyond.”

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Tags DatacomStacey Tomasoni

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