Beer drinkers app, Untappd, is the new king of the hill

Cost: Free | Developer:Untappd | Platform:iOS | Version 1.0 | 2.5 MB | 4.0+

If there is one thing I’ve learned from my time at ARN, it’s that people in the IT industry like a good drink. So Untappd, the beer drinker’s social network, is the best social network of all for them.

Forget LinkedIn and see you later Twitter; Untappd is the new king of the hill.

It’s a bit of a mix between Foursquare and Twitter.

People can “check in” to pubs around the world, and also “check in” the beers that they’re drinking. They can take photos of the beers, and assign them brief, 140-character reviews, complete with star rating.

And as a resource, after just one day’s use, I’ve found Untappd to be brilliant.

I’ve discovered beers I hadn’t heard of before that are now on my radar. I’ve found like-minded beer conisseurs to keep an eye on in the future.

Untappd is a perfect example of a social network for a niche group that works, in bringing them together and helping their engagement with a specific product.

On the iPhone the interface is nice and clean, and there’s Foursquare badges to earn to encourage people to keep coming back to the network.

So yes, the most useful social network I’ve ever come across.

This app was reviewed on an iPhone 4Sv

Pros: Beer lovers have the perfect application to help broaden their appreciation of the nectar from the heavens.

Cons: Well, it’s only for beer drinkers, but that’s hardly a bad thing. Also, some of the really great beers being recommended (this is an American-centric app) and really freaking expensive to import.

Verdict: Proof that niche social networks can work.

Get it here:Apple App Store

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