The Social Networking Compendium - Part 7 (Wikipedia)

Wikipedia is a font of accepted knowledge, but it's not always right and not always accepted

Now here’s a controversial one. Wikipedia is a very simple concept – build a massive encyclopaedia using the combined knowledge of everyone who is connected to it through the Internet. If you, as a user, know something, you can edit an article on Wikipedia to spread that knowledge to the rest of the world.

Considering Wikipedia is free, and killing the other, controlled encyclopaedias in terms of hits, then it’s safe to say it’s a popular concept. Wikipedia is slowly, one article at a time, making accepted knowledge a fluid concept.

But spare a thought for the poor teachers that have to wade through the potential misinformation within essays written by students who use the site as a one-stop-information-shop, though. To be sure, its run into its fair share of trouble, from being banned from student use, to running into censorship controversies.

As a starting-point resource, however, Wikipedia is a staggering font of information, and any website that can have a reader clicking and reading through an information flow like a grand game of Chinese whispers has a genuine claim to success as a concept.

Wikipedia is just one way people can source information using networking tools from the Web. While you’re here, why not check out our other round ups on some of the other tools available out there:

The Social Networking Compendium – Part 1 (Twitter)

The Social Networking Compendium – Part 2 (Facebook)

The Social Networking Compendium – Part 3 (LinkedIn)

The Social Networking Compendium – Part 4 (MySpace)

The Social Networking Compendium – Part 5 (YouTube)

The Social Networking Compendium – Part 6 (Social Bookmarking)


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